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Our Mission

We are the legacy of Stefany Andrews Boyett. She was a leader with a servants heart. Our nonprofit organization is committed to continuing Stefany Andrews Boyett's philanthropic endeavors. Stefany was an RN for Cook Children's Medical Center and colorectal cancer was her battle. For those reasonss, our foundation has commited to giving back to hospitalized children and ensuring each one feels loved. In addition, it is our goal to ensure every family battling cancer has a support system. We were blessed with the support of Stefany's friends and our family through the fight and know that together, with your continued support, we can pay is forward and change lives.

Prayer Bears

Having been an RN for Cook Children's Medical Center for over 20 years, caring for patients and doing as much as she could for them on a personal level became a part of her life. The Stefany Andrews Boyett Foundation collects brand new-unused teddy bears year-round to be donated to Cook Children's "Prayer Bear" program. This program distributes Prayer Bears to every child admitted for care at the hospital.

Coleman Shelton

Coleman's story about meeting Stefany begins like so many others who met her at Cook Children's Hospital. Coleman at 3 years old was going in for a bone biopsy on his foot. We as parents were naturally nervous, but we knew Cook's was the best place to be. We began the check in process and got settled into a room and in walks Stefany. She introduced herself to Coleman first and he was a little shy meeting her. She began all of her pre-surgery stuff. Ya know the vitals and all the things that go with it. She could tell that Coleman still didn't 100% trust her so she said I'll be back in a few minutes to check on you. Well she came back to the room just like she promised only this time she brought Coleman this large stuffed animal that was a horse. Little did she know that at the time horses were his favorite. I still wanna know how she knew that! (all I can say is only God) When it was time for surgery she could tell I was a nervous wreck and she did what only Stefany does and worked her magic to make my husband and I at ease. She walked us to the waiting room while the doctor's worked on Coleman. Stefany would come out and give us a blow by blow about what they were doing. I can honestly tell you that we felt I was right there in the operating room with Coleman! I know that as a nurse she had other things and duties to do but at that moment she just knew. She knew I needed her, she knew Coleman needed her and she knew how I felt as a mom.

Stefany just had this amazing God given talent! After all had settled and we got to go home I had to know more about this amazing nurse. I was able to get her info and contact her! We met her for lunch one day just to simple buy her a nice meal and to thank her fully for all that she had done for us. Coleman loved her to the moon and back and was just smitten with her. I think he knew how much she cared for him. Coleman talked about her all the time after that lunch date as if she was family. We later continued to meet for lunch dates just so Coleman could see his friend Stefany.

Soon after that we only felt it fitting to invite her to his next upcoming birthday at our home and she graciously attended. This kind woman came with a gift that Coleman still holds close to his heart today. When it came time to unwrap all the gifts he carefully unwrapped his gift and it was a straw cowboy hat. When he opened he looked up and his eyes grew so wide and bright he ran to her and hugged her so tightly! The funny thing is about this hat, I never knew he wanted one! He carried this hat with him everywhere he went from then on. To our ranch property in SW Texas to the bath tub. Coleman wears this hat just about everywhere and still to this day at 10 years old wears it. The day we told him that Stefany had passed was definitely as sad one for him and us but we know that her spirit lives on in a much bigger place than us. Here in our house we are forever blessed by Stefany and her many talents but most of all we will never forget how she always had that way of knowing just what a little boy wants. We love you Stefany!

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